Idea in short

The Sandler System is a sales methodology that was developed by David H. Sandler in the 1960s. The methodology emphasizes a consultative, collaborative approach to selling, where the sales professional works closely with the customer to uncover their needs and provide solutions.

The Sandler System is based on the belief that successful salespeople do not sell products or services, but rather they sell solutions to problems.

The Sandler System

The Sandler System is a consultative, collaborative sales methodology that emphasizes building relationships with customers, understanding their needs, and providing tailored solutions to their problems. While the Sandler System has many advantages, such as its customer-focused approach, transparency, and adaptability, it also has potential shortcomings, such as being time-consuming and requiring extensive training. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the Sandler System depends on the sales team’s ability to implement the methodology and adapt it to the specific needs of their customers.

The Sandler System is a seven-step process that helps sales professionals build a relationship with their customers and close deals. Here are the seven steps of the Sandler System:

  1. Bonding And Rapport
  2. Up-Front Contract
  3. Pain
  4. Budget
  5. Decision-Making Process
  6. Fulfillment, and
  7. Post-sell

Bonding And Rapport

This step is all about building trust and rapport with the customer. Sales professionals must establish a connection with the customer by finding common ground and establishing a relationship built on mutual respect.

Up-Front Contract

In this step, the sales professional sets the stage for the entire sales process by establishing clear expectations with the customer. The up-front contract outlines the agenda for the meeting, the desired outcomes, and the time frame.


The pain step involves uncovering the customer’s pain points and challenges. Sales professionals must ask questions to understand the customer’s problems and challenges in order to provide tailored solutions.


Once the customer’s pain points have been identified, the sales professional must determine the budget for the solution. This step involves discussing the costs associated with the proposed solution and understanding the customer’s budget constraints.

Decision-Making Process

In this step, the sales professional must understand the customer’s decision-making process. This involves understanding who makes the decisions, what factors are important in the decision-making process, and how long the decision-making process typically takes.


The fulfillment step involves presenting the solution to the customer and addressing any objections or concerns they may have. Sales professionals must work collaboratively with the customer to ensure that the proposed solution meets their needs.


The final step in the Sandler System involves following up with the customer after the sale to ensure that their needs are being met and that they are satisfied with the solution.

Key Principles

The Sandler Selling System is built on a foundation of several key principles that guide the entire sales process. These principles include:

  • Selling is a profession, not a job
  • The buyer-seller relationship is a partnership
  • Sales is a process, not an event
  • Qualifying prospects is critical to success
  • Closing is a natural part of the sales process
  • Prospects are always in one of three states: pain, power or pleasure
  • The salesperson must take control of the sales process.


To better understand how the Sandler System works in the real world, let’s take a look at a few examples:

Software Sales

A software sales team used the Sandler System to build relationships with potential customers and understand their specific needs. The team was able to provide tailored solutions to each customer, resulting in a significant increase in sales and customer satisfaction.

A software company wants to sell a new project management tool to a potential customer. The sales professional uses the Sandler System to build a relationship with the customer, understand their pain points, and tailor a solution to meet their needs. The software salesperson working with a prospect, who is interested in purchasing their product. Rather than jumping straight into a sales pitch, the salesperson takes the time to understand the buyer’s needs and challenges. They ask strategic questions about the buyer’s business, their pain points, and their goals. Based on this information, the salesperson is able to tailor their pitch to meet the buyer’s specific needs, which leads to a successful sale By following the seven steps of the Sandler System, the sales professional is able to close the deal and secure a new customer.

Financial Services

A financial services company implemented the Sandler System to train their sales professionals in a consultative, collaborative approach to selling. The company saw a dramatic increase in sales and customer retention, as well as an improvement in customer satisfaction.

A financial advisor is meeting with a potential client who is interested in retirement planning. Using the Sandler System, the financial advisor establishes a connection with the customer, uncovers their pain points and budget constraints, and provides tailored solutions to meet their needs. By following the Sandler System, the financial advisor is able to close the deal and secure a new client.


A manufacturing company used the Sandler System to train their sales team in a consultative, relationship-building approach to selling. The team was able to better understand their customers’ needs and provide tailored solutions, resulting in increased sales and improved customer relationships.

Consulting Services

A consulting services firm implemented the Sandler System to train their sales team in a consultative approach to selling. The team was able to build stronger relationships with potential clients and provide tailored solutions to meet their specific needs, resulting in increased sales and improved customer satisfaction.

Technology Sales

A technology sales team used the Sandler System to build stronger relationships with potential customers and provide tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. The team saw a significant increase in sales and improved customer satisfaction.


There are several advantages to using the Sandler System sales methodology:

  • Customer-focused: The Sandler System places a strong emphasis on building a relationship with the customer and understanding their needs. This customer-focused approach helps sales professionals tailor solutions to meet the customer’s specific needs
  • Collaborative: The Sandler System encourages a collaborative approach to selling, where the sales professional works closely with the customer to find solutions to their problems. This collaborative approach helps build trust and strengthens the relationship between the sales professional and the customer
  • Proven track record: The Sandler System has a proven track record of success, with many sales professionals reporting significant increases in their sales performance after implementing the methodology. The Sandler System has been used successfully across a wide range of industries, from software to financial services to manufacturing
  • Emphasizes transparency: The Sandler System emphasizes transparency throughout the sales process, from the up-front contract to the post-sell follow-up. This transparency helps build trust and ensures that both the sales professional and the customer are on the same page throughout the entire process
  • Adaptable: The Sandler System is adaptable to different sales situations and customer needs. Sales professionals can tailor the methodology to fit the specific needs of the customer, making it a versatile and effective approach to selling.


While the Sandler System has many advantages, there are also some potential shortcomings to consider:

  • Time-consuming: The Sandler System is a detailed and involved sales methodology, which can be time-consuming for sales professionals to implement. This may be a challenge for sales teams with a large number of customers to manage
  • Requires extensive training: The Sandler System requires extensive training and practice to master. Sales professionals may require significant training and coaching to fully implement the methodology
  • Not suitable for all sales situations: The Sandler System may not be suitable for all sales situations. Some customers may prefer a more direct, transactional approach to sales, which may not be well-suited to the consultative, collaborative approach of the Sandler System
  • May not be suitable for all sales professionals: The Sandler System requires a certain level of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence to be effective. Sales professionals who struggle with building relationships and understanding customer needs may find the methodology challenging to implement

Ultimately, the key to success with the Sandler Selling System is finding the right balance between building relationships and closing deals. Salespeople who take the time to understand their buyers’ needs, challenges, and goals, and work collaboratively to find solutions that meet those needs, are more likely to build strong, long-term relationships with their clients and close more deals.

Think Insights (July 22, 2024) Sandler System. Retrieved from
"Sandler System." Think Insights - July 22, 2024,
Think Insights December 4, 2021 Sandler System., viewed July 22, 2024,<>
Think Insights - Sandler System. [Internet]. [Accessed July 22, 2024]. Available from:
"Sandler System." Think Insights - Accessed July 22, 2024.
"Sandler System." Think Insights [Online]. Available: [Accessed: July 22, 2024]