window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-125329157-1');


Fundamental concepts and foundations towards Data Literacy

  • Data Fabric

Data Fabric

By |14. June 2022|

Data Fabric is an end-to-end data integration and management solution that helps organizations effectively manage their data

  • Data Stewardship

Data Stewardship

By |31. May 2022|

Data Stewardship is a collection of functions that ensures all organizational data assets are accessible, usable, safe, and trusted

  • Data Platform

Data Platform

By |26. May 2022|

A data platform integrates disparate technologies to meet an organization’s end-to-end data needs

  • Data Quality

Data Quality

By |12. May 2022|

Data quality describes the degree to which data fits the purpose it was intended for

  • Metadata


By |10. May 2022|

Metadata enriches the data with information that makes it easier to find, use and manage

  • Data Governance

Data Governance

By |30. April 2022|

Data Governance (DG) is the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity and security of the data in an organization

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