Idea in short

The Urgency Instinct is a cognitive bias that makes us feel like we need to act immediately when faced with a problem. It is our tendency to act immediately in response to a perceived threat or opportunity, often without fully considering all available information. This mental model can be useful in certain situations where quick action is necessary but can also lead to hasty decisions and missed opportunities.

This instinct is a result of our evolutionary history, where quick reactions to potential threats were necessary for survival. As human beings, we are wired to respond to urgent situations with a heightened sense of awareness and quick action. This instinct has helped our ancestors survive in the face of imminent danger or threat.

However, in today’s world, this instinct can lead to poor decision-making and unnecessary panic and lead us astray. We may find ourselves reacting impulsively to minor issues that do not warrant such immediate attention while ignoring more important long-term goals.

In his book Factfulness, Hans Rosling discusses how the Urgency Instinct can affect our perception of the world and provides examples of how it can lead to incorrect assumptions. By understanding the underlying mechanisms behind our urgency instinct, we can begin to manage them effectively and make better decisions overall. By harnessing the power of models, such as the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks as either urgent or important (or both), individuals can gain greater control the urgency instinct, improve time management skills and productivity. Through careful analysis and introspection, it is possible for individuals to develop a more nuanced approach towards prioritizing tasks based on their level of importance rather than solely relying on their primal need for instant gratification.

Example of Urgency Instinct

Imagine you’re walking down the street when suddenly someone runs up behind you and tries to grab your purse/wallet. Your urgency instinct kicks in, and before you have time to think about it, you start running after them yelling for help. In this situation, acting quickly was likely vital as it could keep your belongings safe from theft. However, if instead of grabbing on they had just bumped into us accidentally while we were carrying something fragile like eggs, our urgent reaction would only make things worse by potentially dropping those items.

One example of the Urgency Instinct in mass media is the fear of terrorism. Rosling notes that people in the Western world are more afraid of terrorism than they are of heart disease, even though heart disease is a much more significant threat to their lives. This fear is a result of the media’s coverage of terrorist attacks, which gives the impression that terrorism is a widespread and immediate threat. However, the reality is that the likelihood of being killed in a terrorist attack is incredibly low, and the chances of dying from heart disease are much higher. The Urgency Instinct makes us believe that we need to act immediately to combat terrorism, even though there are more significant threats to our health and well-being.

Another example of the Urgency Instinct provided in the book is the response to the Ebola epidemic that occurred in West Africa in 2014. While the outbreak was certainly a serious public health threat, media coverage and public discourse surrounding the epidemic tended to exaggerate the scope and scale of the outbreak. This led to a sense of panic and urgency, which made it difficult to implement effective public health interventions. As a result, many resources were directed towards short-term solutions, such as the development of a vaccine, rather than addressing the underlying health systems and infrastructure that contributed to the outbreak.

These example illustrates how the Urgency Instinct can lead us to focus on immediate solutions, rather than addressing the root causes of a problem. To overcome the Urgency Instinct, the book suggests that we need to focus on understanding the true scope and scale of a problem, and to avoid being swayed by media coverage or other external factors that may exaggerate the severity of a situation. Instead, we should focus on developing long-term solutions that address the root causes of a problem, rather than simply reacting to immediate threats or crises.

Advantages of Urgency Instinct

The urgency instinct is a mental model that drives people to act quickly and decisively when faced with potentially dangerous or threatening situations. For example, if you are crossing the street and see a car coming towards you, your Urgency Instinct will tell you to move quickly out of the way. This instinct can also be helpful in emergency situations, where quick decision-making is necessary to save lives. While this instinct can sometimes lead to impulsive decisions, it also has several advantages:

  • Survival: The urgency instinct evolved as a survival mechanism, helping early humans react quickly in life-threatening situations such as predator attacks or natural disasters. In modern times, the same instinct helps us respond swiftly to emergencies like fires, accidents or medical crises
  • Efficiency: When we feel an urgent need to take action on something important, our brains focus all available energy on that task – filtering out distractions and improving efficiency dramatically
  • Opportunities: Acting quickly based on a sense of urgency can often help individuals seize valuable opportunities before they slip away entirely – whether it be claiming first-mover advantage for new products and services or investing in stocks at just the right moment
  • Motivation: Perceived time constraints motivate workers towards higher productivity levels while giving them little chance to waste their time unproductively at work resulting achieving more in less time
  • Creativity Boosts: Having limited resources forces one think through unique ways making do with what’s available which would not happen without having an external force (urgency) compelling us into thinking creatively

Overall, the urgency instinct is essential for human progress because it enables quick reaction times during crisis scenarios while providing focused attention that leads towards better decision-making capabilities benefiting both individual & collective goals alike.

Disadvantages of Urgency Instinct

However, the Urgency Instinct can also lead to poor decision-making and unnecessary panic. In situations where immediate action is not necessary, the Urgency Instinct can cause us to make rash decisions that are not based on facts or evidence. This can lead to a waste of resources and can even make the situation worse. For example, if a company is facing financial difficulties, the Urgency Instinct may cause the CEO to make hasty decisions that do not address the root cause of the problem. This can lead to further financial difficulties and may even result in the company’s failure.

The urgency instinct is a mental model that drives us to act quickly in response to perceived threats or opportunities. While this can be useful in some situations, it also has its disadvantages:

  • Procrastination: The urgency instinct can lead people to procrastinate until the last minute before taking action, as they believe there is still time
  • Impulsive decisions: When driven by the urgency instinct, people may make hasty and impulsive decisions without fully considering all options or consequences
  • Stress and burnout: Always feeling an urgent need to act can create high levels of stress and anxiety which may eventually lead to burnout
  • Poor decision-making under pressure: Acting out of urgency often leads individuals into making poor decisions because their mind gets clouded with pressure
  • Missing important details: People acting under the influence of Urgency Instinct sometimes miss crucial information.

To overcome these disadvantages associated with urgency instinct one must take a step back from being reactive and think critically about what needs immediate attention versus tasks that are important but not necessarily urgent .

Overcoming The Urgency Instinct

To overcome the Urgency Instinct, Rosling suggests that we should take a more measured approach to decision-making by:

  • Evaluating the actual urgency of a situation: Rather than reacting immediately to a perceived threat, we should take a step back and evaluate whether urgent action is truly necessary. This can be done by gathering information and assessing the risks and potential outcomes
  • Avoiding information overload: In today’s fast-paced world, we are bombarded with information from various sources that can create a sense of urgency. Rosling suggests that we should limit our exposure to news and social media and focus on reliable sources of information that provide a more balanced and accurate view of the world
  • Being aware of our emotions: The Urgency Instinct can be driven by emotions such as fear and anxiety. By being aware of these emotions and how they can influence our decision-making, we can take a more rational and measured approach to decision-making
  • Seeking out diverse perspectives: When evaluating a situation, it’s important to seek out diverse perspectives and opinions to get a more complete understanding of the situation. This can help to avoid the tunnel vision that can be caused by the Urgency Instinct
  • Pause and reflect: Instead of immediately reacting to a problem or situation, take a moment to pause and reflect. This allows you time to assess the situation calmly and rationally before making any decisions
  • Prioritize tasks: Make an effort to prioritize tasks based on their level of importance and urgency. This helps you focus your energy on tasks that require immediate attention while also ensuring that crucial long-term projects don’t fall by the wayside
  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being present in the moment without judgment or distraction from thoughts about future events or regrets about past actions. Practicing mindfulness regularly can help you become more aware of your impulses and better equipped at managing them
  • Develop healthy habits: Engaging in activities such as regular exercise, getting enough sleep, eating healthily, spending quality time with loved ones can all contribute towards increasing resilience against impulsive behavior caused by stressors encountered throughout daily living
Think Insights (July 24, 2024) Urgency Instinct. Retrieved from
"Urgency Instinct." Think Insights - July 24, 2024,
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Think Insights - Urgency Instinct. [Internet]. [Accessed July 24, 2024]. Available from:
"Urgency Instinct." Think Insights - Accessed July 24, 2024.
"Urgency Instinct." Think Insights [Online]. Available: [Accessed: July 24, 2024]