Idea in short

An MBA is not just something that will assure you your dream job, though that might also happen. But, it is definitely something that will change your life for the better and give you enough memories for a lifetime. An MBA will offer you a wealth of advantages, especially when it’s from a well-regarded business school. Getting a high MBA salary after graduation, landing a management position, developing a strong professional network, or even becoming your own boss are just a few of the advantages of studying an MBA degree.

You will get access to high-profile executives

You know that you’re spoiled when you look at an over full itinerary, see that a high-profile executive is speaking at your Business School that evening. But, you decide to skip it and catch a couple of hours of sleep instead. That’s precisely what will happen to you in a year or two after you have passed every hurdle and get that dream admit. At least every month, there will be a top CxO on the campus. You will have the luxury of picking and choosing those that you find most inspirational. As you look at a figure whose face you had hitherto seen only on magazine covers, you might pinch yourself once or twice.

You will develop advanced management skills

MBA programs will help you develop the skills necessary to keep a company successful. The curriculum of each MBA program can be different, but you’ll develop some of the most core competences required to success as a business leader. An MBA is also a great way to prepare for a changing business environment. The abilities you develop are also the best tools you have to adapt to the unavoidable change of industries, the marketplace, and the ways people do business. If you plan to change careers, but the industry evolves in a way that messes with your plans, the skills you’ve developed will help you quickly adapt and find a new direction. You’ll also be able to make use of changes in economy and find new business opportunities where others simply try to survive a harsh business environment.

You get to work on an interesting project in an unfamiliar country

Every top business school tries to shapes its MBA candidates as truly global professionals. One big part of this is achieved through the diversity in the classroom. Another way they explicitly do it is through various trips abroad. Some of those trips might be study-related. Such tripe involve working with local businesses in consulting-type projects. The local businesses are usually hugely happy; they are getting the best business minds in the world to work on their business problems for nothing. And, you will be truly happy when you go on one fo these trips. That’s because you will see that the concepts you learn in your MBA program work all the time and in every scenario!

You will network with some of the smartest people

An MBA program selection is a funnel. A business school accepts applications from a lot of people from a lot of fields. Subsequently, it selects only the smartest and most driven among them. Every day, you will live, work and talk with these people. Through these interactions, you will acquire new perspectives every second of the time. This will challenge you to keep on the cutting edge of the group’s thought. Furthermore, you will be smarter for the fact that you are in their company.

You will leave your comfort zone every day

An adult is only able to make an intuitive leap in his or her learning if he or she leaves the comfort zone. Business School helps you master a lot of things, but it also gives you a gentle reminder that you need to move on, after you’ve acquired mastery. And, when you reach the next milestone to be conquered, you will find it unfamiliar and initially difficult. Which is why the sense of exhilaration when you conquer that one, as well, will be even greater.

You will realize how great Friday night is

Business Schools are big on unwinding at the end of the week, and everyone needs it. As you relax with your best friends from your class or section, you will learn the most important lesson of all. You will learn how to have a lot of fun while solving the biggest problems in the world. These are important steps in your journey to making sure that you always have a healthy work-life balance. Plus, who doesn’t like a party?

You will become an expert at managing time

Calendars and schedules are things that are often made by people who do not need them desperately, they are an aid. When you join Business School, they can become the difference between sleeping for a couple of hours, and enjoying a good seven hour sleep. After a month of your first year, you will be able to pinpoint what you will be doing during any ten minute period during the day, and you won’t think that you’re necessarily more organized than other people, either!

You will realize that you can be right and a 25 year veteran, wrong

Business Schools are big on removing hierarchy, and encouraging free speech between lecturers and audience. Therefore, through a heated case discussion, you might come to see that you are right, and your professor is wrong – and have your professor acknowledge this. You might have industry veterans of the corporate world come in. You will engage with them on discussions and see them accept your point of view. That’s very empowering! Through this experience, you will see the reality of the business world. You will see the world through fresh eyes as a place where your voice is heard and opinions valued.

You will learn an entirely new way of thinking

The natural human instinct is to think small, and solve one problem after the other. MBA programs equip you with the tools to take a bird’s eye view at every business situation. From that height, you will overlook the small, petty issues. You will be able to gauge what will work more clearly. This is the defining trait of a leader – someone who will run his or her business ethically, and make every decision within this framework something that will maximize the benefit to his or her business. This is something that is almost impossible to acquire outside of business school, unless you’re born with it, or spend decades to think that way.

You will truly understand what ‘works like clockwork’ means

Business Schools tend to be really, really good at organizing things. For example, Harvard Business School takes an entire batch of 900 students to different countries across the world. It does so over one fortnight and ensures that MBA students deliver the impact in their chosen place of work. HBS documents everything and brings the MBA cohorts back safe, sound and inspired. And, it does all this with the smallest possible group of people working on it. Every school does something like this every few months. And, you cannot but marvel at the efficiency and resolve to become as organized.

Think Insights (July 27, 2024) MBA. Retrieved from
"MBA." Think Insights - July 27, 2024,
Think Insights December 15, 2020 MBA., viewed July 27, 2024,<>
Think Insights - MBA. [Internet]. [Accessed July 27, 2024]. Available from:
"MBA." Think Insights - Accessed July 27, 2024.
"MBA." Think Insights [Online]. Available: [Accessed: July 27, 2024]